CareWarn: an intelligent, mobile and passive emergency system
CareWarn: an intelligent, mobile and passive emergency system
Together with Goldschnitt GbR, the nursing research group at Charité Berlin and Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, wisoTech GmbH is developing a portable vital data monitor for emergency detection and therapy support in outpatient and inpatient care.
The system regularly and continuously records the wearer's vital signs using an integrated sensor. Diagnostic information can then be generated based on the collected values, which makes it possible, among other things, to create therapy recommendations and recognize daily routines. This in turn allows deviations and risk conditions to be identified. In such a case, the vital signs monitor indicates an emergency without active intervention by the wearer and sounds the alarm accordingly.
Project information
A portable vital signs monitor for emergency detection and therapy support in outpatient and inpatient care.