comparit: Comparison software for brokers, insurers and the industry
comparit: Comparison software for brokers, insurers and the industry

Compare independently, advise successfully: A comparison calculator for the insurance industry
wisoTech GmbH is currently supporting cpit comparit GmbH in the development of a comparison calculator for the insurance industry (front-end and back-end), including the integration of insurance companies. The vision is to use the software to optimize all steps in the private insurance sector, from tariff comparison to application submission for all market participants.
How it works
comparit enables all market participants in the b2b insurance market in Germany with the most diverse business models, from data collection to technical processing ("Set Order Qualified"), to complete the application process for private insurance, including the most complete and intuitive comparison of tariffs per line of business. The focus here is on the professional independence of the analysis, technical excellence and intuitive operation of the solutions. The cpit platform accompanies brokers throughout the day and is immediately ready for use from anywhere, true to the motto: Compare independently, advise successfully. New features will continue to be developed until the second half of 2025.

Project information
An independent comparison calculator for the insurance industry.